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SF 2007 LogoSilkenfest 2007

Purina Farms - Gray Summit, MO
Judged by: Gwen Post of Mutzko Borzoi

Overall Comments:

"Let me begin by thanking you for inviting me to judge your dogs. It was an honor and privilege. I enjoyed the assignment greatly and was pleased with the overall quality of the dogs.

The hospitality of the club was wonderful, in fact some of the best I have ever experienced. The site was excellent for a moving breed, and the sportsmanship of the exhibitors was commendable.

The overall quality of the entry was good. I only had one slightly overshot bite and very few missing teeth. Almost all the dogs were in good condition. I did find that many of the dogs had weak/straight fronts. When I examined the dogs and put my hands on their fronts, I found that they were Rcut-up in front,S with little in the way of a fore chest. I believe anyone examining this entry would have encountered the same thing. In addition, many of the dogs, instead of moving in one straight line moved in parallel lines with the front on one line and the rear on another. These dogs, when viewed from the side, often over-reached. I saw a wide divergence in head types and would have liked to have seen more uniformity in heads. Several of the dogs were also long in body, and the Silken standard calls for a square dog.

My choice for BOB impressed me with his smooth, effortless, ground-covering movement. He was in fine condition with lovely, flat muscles, and proper proportions. My BOS was also a lovely moving, well conditioned, feminine, example of the breed. My WD was a well put-together, nicely balanced, solid moving animal with a lovely outline. My RWD moved extremely well, and was very typey; however, his outline was not as good. My WB and BOW selection was from the Bred-By class. She was beautifully proportioned, and an excellent moving animal. She had an effortless movement that was both efficient and graceful. My RWB was from the Open class. She was also a beautiful moving bitch, but not quite as balanced as my WB.

Again, I want to thank all of you for the opportunity to judge such a large, lovely entry. I will fondly remember this assignment for many years to come. " - Gwen Post

Best in Specialty Show
ISWS Rarities IABCA Ch. Gryffyn's Just Push Play
Tyler - BISS 2007

Best Opposite Sex in Specialty
ISWS Ch. Lagniappe Allons Danser
Best Opposite Sex

Best of Winners / Winners Dog
Kristull Umber
Winners Dog

Winners Bitch
Kristull Corona
Winners Bitch

Best Puppy
Dragonsgate Miata by Cool Run
Best Puppy

Best Opposite Sex Puppy
Allagante Mai Tai
Best Opposite Puppy

Best Veteran
Kristull Yahuda
Best Veteran

Best Companion
Allagante Honcho
Best Companion

Best Opposite Companion
Kohana Windbreaker at Blair
Best Opposite Companion

Dog Classes


Puppy Dog 6-9 Months

  1. Allagante Mai Tai
  2. Kristull Paladin at Bon Zoi'z

Puppy Dog 9-12 Months

  1. Siendo's American Pride
9-12 Month Puppy Dog

Puppy Dog 12-18 Months

  1. Springlane Flying Comet Avila
  2. Windspirit White Skies by Cool Run
12-18 Month Dog - Comet

Novice Dog

  1. Lagniappe Shadow on the Teche
  2. Springlane Kristull Blitzen
  3. Windspirit Devereaux
  4. Kristull Wind Walker
Novice Dog

Bred By Exhibitor Dog

  1. Windspirit Austen
  2. Cool Run Enchanted SnowDust
  3. Lagniappe Bouree
  4. Lagniappe Coffee & Chicory
Bred-By Dog - Austen

American Bred Dog

  1. Springlane Kristull Dancer
  2. Springlane Silver Streak
American Bred Dog

Open Dog

  1. Kristull Umber
  2. Lagniappe Ti'Cayenne Cool Run
  3. WindDancer Tocho Allagante
  4. Kristull Unbreakable
Winner's Dog
Kristull Umber
Winners Dog
Reserve Winner's Dog
Lagniappe Ti'Cayenne Cool Run
Reserve Winners Dog

Bitch Classes


Puppy Bitch 6-9 Months

  1. El Encanto Alegria

Puppy Bitch 9-12 Months

  1. Dragonsgate Miata by Cool Run
  2. Heartsong Iridessa
  3. Siendo's American Dream

Puppy Bitch 12-18 Months

  1. SpringLane Kristull Cupid
  2. Cool Run Belita of Siendo
  3. Windspirit Lonesome Glory Vkgs Vw
  4. Gryffyn' s Aeyrie Serenity
12-18 Month Bitch - Apple

Novice Bitch

  1. Kristull Wind Dancer
  2. Kristull Maya of Siendo
  3. Cool Run Viking View Joven
  4. SpringLane' s Magical Dasher
Novice Bitch

Bred By Exhibitor Bitch

  1. Kristull Corona
  2. Gryffyn' s Under the Milky Way
  3. Gryffyn' s Aeyrie Gypsy Road
  4. SpringLane' s Flying Vixen
Bred By Exhibitor Bitch

American Bred Bitch

  1. Gryffyn' s Aeyrie Strange Magic
  2. Ispahan' s Gone with the Wind
  3. Gryffyn's Wild is the Wind
  4. Renaissance Royal Firebird
American Bred Bitch

Open Bitch

  1. Seiran Ayame Windspirit
  2. Kristull Arcadia by Tangaloor
  3. Kristull Twyla
  4. Kristull Jetsetter
Reserve Winners Bitch - Hillevi
Winners Bitch
Kristull Corona
Winners Bitch
Reserve Winner's Bitch
Sieran Ayame Windspirit
Reserve Winners Bitch