Dog Classes |
Puppy Dog 3-6 Months
- Lagniappe 'TiCayenne Cool Run - Very elegant white dog with red spots and a beautiful blended head. Luxurious coat. Very well trained to stack and on the lead. Nice front and well-knuckled feet; rise in topline appeared slightly forward with steep fall off in the rear; good rear angulation with excellent length of second thigh. Good extension when moving. This pup went on to by my BOS Puppy.
- Windspirit Calumet - Well-conditioned and well-groomed self dominant black; very nice in many ways but more moderate than his competition. He was a little reluctant on moving around the ring. Overall a very nice pup. With more age and training he should mature into a quality male.

Puppy Dog 6-9 Months
- Gryffyn's Strange Brew - Nicely balanced self light gold with very good side movement; attractive head with beautiful long neck; more arch on topline preferred. Excellent dark pigment contrasting lighter background color.
Puppy Dog 9-12 Months
- SpringLane SilverStreak - Very solid self gold; broader backskull with perceptible stop at muzzle; tubular torso shape with a level topline; very deep brisket; good movement and excellent dark pigment.
Companion Dog
- Kristull Formal Attire - Attractive and very typey Irish-marked orange brindle. A little narrow in front but a nice rear and good mover. Luxurious coat and feathering.
- Kristull Forrest Run - Substantial self-gold with beautiful coat and deep brisket. Proper head but ears a little distracting. Elbows out; constricted movement but very, very well-trained on leash and stacking.
- Kristull Mandrake - Distinguished older self black and brindle puppy; very happy and responsive; moderate angulation; quite possibly best trained dog in Silkenfest.

Novice Dog
- Kristull Jaromir - Dark brindle and white; broader backskull with perceptible stop at muzzle; moderate but balanced angulation; level topline; relaxed and level gait; very well trained and beautifully presented.
- Shadows Zaccheus - Eye catching black brindle and white. Excellent type and size. Balanced front and rear angulation with deep brisket and wider front. Long thick coat. Well mannered and very sweet but reluctant to fully move around the ring.

Bred By Exhibitor Dog
- Windspirit Austen - Masculine, athletic self-dominant black and white. Broader backskull with narrow, tapered muzzle; good ears; very nice outline with good shoulder and rear angulation; more training recommended to encourage better movement.
Open Dog
- Cool Run Enchanted Myles - Stunning black and white. Everything about this dog seemed correct - excellent head, ebony colored eyes and small ears held tightly back; gorgeous outline with thick, dripping coat; deep brisket with wide front; ideal topline with good sweep to the rear; moved very well and presented beautifully by his handler. Went on to Best in Specialty Show.
- Cool Run Enchanted Barak - Very similar to dog above - excellent head, dark almond eyes with small ears tightly laid back; very nice outline with thick, luxurious coat; moved very well; had better length of neck and tail than winner; more narrow in front and feet not as knuckled. Also beautifully presented.
- Kristull Fallon - Substantial, heavy coated brindle; tapered muzzle, small ears; beautiful neck and ideal topline; deep brisket and well conditioned; not as typey as #1 and #2; seemed to be largest dog shown this day. Very athletic and took up entire ring when he moved.
- Kristull Ivanhoe - Striking gold brindle with white; excellent movement and very well trained; beutiful long neck; small ears; moderate but balanced shoulder and rear angulation; nicely coated; more arch on topline preferred.
Others present:
- Kristull Yashi - Black and tan; beautiful long head with only a slight perceptible stop; small ears tightly held back against neck; moderate angulation; flat topline and slightly cow-hocked; presented very well.
- Kristull Umber - Brilliant orange brindle with very thick coat; ideal height; tapered head with big teeth and small laid back ears; shorter neck set on straight shoulders; deep b risket; flat topline; wide, well angulated rear; rear seemed to get out of the way of front when moving (crabbing).

Winner's Dog
Cool Run Enchanted Myles |
Reserve Winner's Dog
Cool Run Enchanted Barak |
Bitch Classes |
Puppy Bitch 3-6 Months
- Kristull Paloma - Exceptional, thick curly coated extreme white with dark brindle spots; very nice puppy all round - contender for Best Puppy in Show. Excellent head with wide, well rounded lower jaw; good type and sized; balanced angulation contributed to very good movement.
- Renaissance Royal Firebird - Very attractive white with dark brindle spots; younger than #1 but a close second. Well behaved and presented beautifully; also balanced angulation and good movement; correct topline.
- Windspirit Chenoa - Flashy Irish-marked orange brindle and white; excellent quality and type; balanced angulation; ideal head and ears; beautiful; reluctant to move; prefer a bit more topline

Puppy Bitch 6-9 Months
- Gryffyn's Fire Woman - Striking dark orange brindle and white; very happy puppy whose attitude said "I'm here to win"; very sound; beautiful head with large teeth; outstanding movement; possibly best front and shoulders among all the girls; beautifully presented and very well trained. Went on to Best Puppy in Show.
- Gryffyn's Under the Milky Way - Very sound extreme white with dark brindle sports on head; built solid with excellent front; backskull slightly broad with less fill on muzzle; beautiful long neck; prefer more arch on topline; moved very well.

Puppy Bitch 9-12 Months
- Kristull Arcadia by Tangaloor - Eye catching extreme white with black spots and ticking; beautiful head; long neck; slightly toed in at front and rear but moved well; deep brisket and tight tuck up (strong abdominal section). Nicely presented.
- Allagante DaGracie - Exotic fawn self-brindle; gorgeous head with very dark eyes and pigment; long neck with proper topline; nice sweep to rear; moderate angulation with straight shoulders and slightly narrow front; excellent wide rear.
- Royal R Jada by Cool Run - Brilliant orange tiger-striped self brindle; ideal size and height; slightly broader backskull; beautiful long neck; moderate angulation; prefer more arch to topline; very feminine; unsure what was expected of her during movement.

Companion Bitch
- Raincoast Tangaloor Kitamaat - Very sweet and well-mannered self brindle and white; slightly broader backskull; shorter neck; well coated; moderate angulation; deep brisket; well conditioned and good movement.
Novice Bitch
- Kristull Esperanza - Lovely dark self brindle; ideal size; very happy with loads of personality; beautiful head but independent ears; balanced angulation=good movement; deep brisket and tight tuckup; good topline; very endearing.
- Kristull Charm SilknQuick - Well conditioned seld brindle; very deep brisket; straight shoulders but wide, well angulated read; narrow front; nice rise on topline; good side movement.
- Kristull Natasha of Firebird - Tiny self gold brindle; broad backskull with narrow muzzle; straight shoulders with well angulated rear; narrow front; prefer more rise on topline; a real sweetheart who turned out to be a demon on the lure course.

Bred By Exhibitor Bitch
(the best quality of any class today)
- Gryffyn's Moonage Daydream - Exceptional self gold brindle; ideal size; exquisite head with dark pigment; excellent shoulder and rear angulation; deep brisket complimented with tight tuckup; floated around ring when moving. Presented beautifully.
- Cool Run Enchanted Bliss - Very unique dark brindle with balck saddle; gorgeous head with very dark eyes and pigment; beautiful long neck; a bit more leg than #1 and more fall away on topline; very deep brisket; excellent movement; also presented beautifully.
- Allagante Shaningo Windspirit - Very feminine self cream silver and gold brindle; moderate angulation but excellent type and size; narrow front and could use more substance; misbehaved a bit on movement but excellent side movement.

Open Bitch
- Cool Run Enchanted Mia - Gorgeous extreme white with dark spots; nice wide front with wider rear; very good balance; correct topline; beautiful head and excellent pigment. Many excellent details. This class came down to presentation and this beautiful girl did nothing wrong.
- Allagante Arwen of Rubia - A gorgeous extreme white and silver brindle sable; this little girl had more substance and coat than #1 but did not seem happy to show or fully open up while moving. Beautiful blended head; dark pigment; lovely neck and topline. An ideal Silken type.
- Kristull Daiquiri - Very elegant and curvy self dark brindle; a little bigger than others in this class; beautiful head and dark pigment; nicely balanced with exceptional movement; very deep brisket with contrasting tight tuck up. A very nice female representative of the breed.
- Gentle Winds Sola Kristull - Classy self orange and silver brindle; outstanding side movement and true coming and going; a little flat on the topline and straight in the shoulders but well angulated wide rear. Nicely coated and in very good condition.
Others present:
- Kristull Jumpin' Jehosephat - Attractive dark silver brindle; I liked everything about this girl but she did not seem to be "up" to showing in today's heat. Her type, outline, angulation and movement were all very good. She was just coming back into coat possibly from a recent litter.
- Kristull Kaninchen - Well mannered very dark self brindle; excellent size and type; backskull a little broad and could use more fill in the muzzle; very deep brisket with tight tuck up; straight shoulders but well angulated, wide rear. Narrow front. Good side movement.

Winners Bitch
Cool Run Enchanted Mia |
Reserve Winner's Bitch
Allagante Arwen of Rubia |
Champions |
- ISWS CH Gryffyn's Just Push Play - Excellent compact size and condition. Topline appeared a little flat; eyes lighter than ebony. Dark pigment; small ears; beautiful long neck; deep brisket. Moved very well, especially side movement. A year younger than BISS winner, so given more time to mature he may come back next year as strong candidate for Best in Specialty Show.
- ISWS CH Gryffyn's Dancin' Queen - Superb Irish-marked silver brindle; outstanding movement and presentation; everything proportional and a very proper small size. Gorgeous head, ears, and long, arched neck. Correct topline. Her happy attitude said "pick me!"
