SilkenFest 2016 Results
SilkenFest was held in Parker, Texas at South Fork Ranch, home of the Dallas TV show.
Specialty Judge: Gill Grist, Endevor Silken Windhounds (UK)
Best in Specialty Show
UKC Ch. Winsome's Zenyatta at Attaway
Best Opposite in Specialty Show
UKC Ch. ISWS CH Cool Run Andrew Wyeth
Best of Winners
UKC Ch. Winsome's Zenyatta at Attaway
Winners Dog
WindnSatin Diamonds at Midnite
Reserve Winners Dog
Kumbaya Moon Tide Effect
Winners Bitch
UKC Ch. Winsome's Zenyatta at Attaway
Reserve Winners Bitch
UKC Ch. SummersSpirit Gryffyn's Farrah
Awards of Merit
ISWS Ch. UKC Grand Ch. Gryffyn's Aeyrie Empire, GRC
ISWS Ch, UKC GRCH, NAKC & IABCA Int Ch, Allagante Hot Tamale, FCH
ISWS Ch. UKC Ch. Legend Marshmallow Creme O WNS
UKC GCH ISWS CH Winsome's Breeze On By
UKC CH ISWS CH Attaway-Kinobi High Noon
Best Puppy
Allagante Celestial Starfyre
Best Opposite Puppy
Attaway-Kinobi Ghost Buster
Best Bred by Exhibitor
UKC GrCh. Kumbaya Macadamia
Best Veteran
Best of Opposite Sex Veteran
UKC CH, ISWS CH Firebird’s Dare To Dream ISWS FCH, SRC
Best Altered
Firebird's Star of Sagitta
Best Opposite Altered
SummersSpiritInphenite 00Seven
Best Brace
UKC GRCH, ISWS CH Gryffyn’s All The Right Moves, SGRC, FCH
UKC CH Empyrean Autumn Breeze
3-6 Month Puppy Dogs
- Broadway's Razzle Dazzle
- Broadway's All I Care About
6-9 Month Puppy Dogs
- Attaway-Kinobi Ghost Buster
- Serenity Majestic Seas
9-12 Month Puppy Dogs
- Firebird's F-104 Starfighter
- Firebird's SR-71 Blackbird
- Clayborn Apache Firedance
- Gryffyn's Aeyrie X-Celsior
12-18 Month Dogs
- UKC Ch. Empyrean Autumn Breeze
- Empyrean Autumn Equinox
- Kumbaya Build a Fire
- SummersSpirit Spectre
Novice Dogs
- WindnSatin Diamonds at Midnite
- UKC Ch. Tangaloor Bushwhacked
- Allagante Polaris
- Allagante Full Spectrum
Bred by Exhibitor Dogs
- UKC GrCh. Kumbaya Macadamia
- Attway-Kinobi Marcasite
- Gryffyn's Aeyrie I'm Your Boogieman
- UKC Ch. SummersSpirit Licorice
American Bred Dogs
- UKC GrCh. Kumbaya Moon Tide Effect
- Kumbaya Silkendream Guiness
- Winsome In the Wings
- UKC WindnSatin Fairy Legend
Field Performance Dogs
- UKC GrCh. Firebird's Lone Ranger, GRC
- SummersSpirit Chipotle, SGRC
- UKC Ch. Starfyre Gold Zircon FCH, JOR, CGC
- UKC GrCh. Gryffyn’s Aeyrie Hip To Be Square, FCH
Open Dogs
- UKC Ch. Kristull Mingo of Dream's End
- UKC Ch. Samum Silkendream at Kumbaya
- UKC GrCh. Avalon Picacho
- UKC GrCh. Avalon Sandia
6-9 Month Puppy Bitch
- Allagante Celestial Starfyre
- WindnSatin It's My Party
- UKC Ch. Entourage Treble Maker
9-12 Month Puppy Bitch
- Gryffyn's Aeyrie X-Quisite
- Clayborn's Phantom Night Owl
- UKC Ch. Winsome's My Fair Lady
- New Beginnings Beeja
12-18 Month Bitch
- Hunter's Run Corvette O Siendo
- UKC Ch. Hunter's Run Cuda
- Aeracura Dare to be Different
- UKC Ch. Empyrean Morning Glory
Novice Bitch
- Hunter's Run Charger
- Gryffyn's Aeyrie Light Up the Sky
- Gryffyn's Aeyrie Head Over Heels
Bred By Exhibitor Bitch
- UKC Ch. Empyrean Harvest Moon
- Gryffyn's Aeyrie HereI Go Again
- UKC GrCh. Starfyre Sonnet, CGC
- UKC GrCh. Ricmar Gryffyn's Bling Bling
American Bred Bitch
- UKC Ch. SummersSpirit Gryffyn's Farrah
- UKC Ch. Aigrette's Winsome Lass
- UKC Ch. Kumbaya Silkendream Maychen
- UKC Ch. Allagante Luminosity RioKin
Field Performance Champion Bitch
- Windspirit Allagante Sienna, GRC
Open Bitch
- UKC Ch. Winsome's Zenyatta at Attaway
- UKC Ch. Winsome's Just a Breeze
- UKC Ch. Starfyre KoroitOpalatInphenite
- WindnSatin Crusin Legndviknview
Novice Altered Dog
- Gryffyn's Aeyrie Sing Sing Sing
Open Altered Dog
- SummersSpiritInphenite 00Seven
- UKC ALCH, IABCA Com CH-B Allagante Mystic Topaz, ISWS FCH, IC, CT, UAGI, UR02, TDI
- UKC ALGRCH Winsome Good ‘N Plenty
Novice Altered Bitch
- UKC Ch. Siendo's Piper Mirage
- Siendo's Piper Saratoga
Open Altered Bitch
- Firebird's Star of Sagitta
- IABCA Int COM CH BRONZE, UKC MI ME EC SN CH CT Allagante Windspirit Kokomo CGC
- WindnSatin Cruse Control
- UKC CH Allagante WindSpirit Bahama
Stud Dog
- UKC CH, ISWS CH Firebird’s Dare To Dream ISWS FCH, SRC
- UKC GRCH, ISWS CH Gryffyn’s Aeyrie Stop and Stare
- UKC GRCH, ISWS CH Gryffyn’s All The Right Moves, SGRC, FCH
Brood Bitch
- UKC GRCH, NAKC CH, IABCA Int CH, ISWS CH Allagante Hot Tamale FCH
- ISWS CH Allagante Light Up The Sky, FCH
- UKC GRCH, ISWS CH Gryffyn’s All The Right Moves, SGRC, FCH
UKC CH Empyrean Autumn Breeze - UKC GRCH, ISWS CH Gryffyn’s Aeyrie Stop and Stare
UKC CH, ISWS CH Gryffyn’s Aeyrie Unforgettable Fire - UKC Ch. Allagante Windspirit Bahama
UKC GrCh. Winsome's Just a Breeze - UKC Serenity Majestic Seas
UKC AlGrCh. Winsome Good 'N Plenty