International Silken Windhound Society

SilkenFest 2007

SilkenFest 2007 was held at Purina Farms in Gray Summit, MO.

Conformation Judge, Regular and Non-Regular Classes: Gwen Post, Mutzko Borzoi

SilkenFest 2007

Best in Specialty Show
ISWS Rarities IABCA Ch. Gryffyn's Just Push Play
Tyler - BISS 2007

Best Opposite Sex in Specialty
ISWS Ch. Lagniappe Allons Danser
Best Opposite Sex

Best of Winners / Winners Dog
Kristull Umber
Winners Dog

Reserve Winner's Dog
Lagniappe Ti'Cayenne Cool Run
Reserve Winners Dog

Winners Bitch
Kristull Corona
Winners Bitch

Reserve Winners Bitch
Seiran Ayame Windspirit
Reserve Winners Bitch - Hillevi

Best Puppy
Dragonsgate Miata by Cool Run
Best Puppy

Best Opposite Sex Puppy
Allagante Mai Tai
Best Opposite Puppy

Best Veteran
Kristull Yahuda
Best Veteran

Best Companion
Allagante Honcho
Best Companion

Best Opposite Companion
Kohana Windbreaker at Blair
Best Opposite Companion

Dog Classes

Best Opposite PuppyPuppy Dog 6-9 Months

  1. Allagante Mai Tai
  2. Kristull Paladin at Bon Zoi'z

9-12 Month Puppy DogPuppy Dog 9-12 Months

  1. Siendo's American Pride

12-18 Month Dog - CometPuppy Dog 12-18 Months

  1. SpringLane Flying Comet Avila
  2. Windspirit White Skies by Cool Run

Novice DogNovice Dog

  1. Lagniappe Shadow on the Teche
  2. SpringLane Kristull Blitzen
  3. Windspirit Devereaux
  4. Kristull Wind Walker

Bred-By Dog - AustenBred By Exhibitor Dog

  1. Windspirit Austen
  2. Cool Run Enchanted SnowDust
  3. Lagniappe Bouree
  4. Lagniappe Coffee & Chicory

American Bred DogAmerican Bred Dog

  1. SpringLane Kristull Dancer
  2. SpringLane Silver Streak

Winners DogOpen Dog

  1. Kristull Umber
  2. Lagniappe Ti'Cayenne Cool Run
  3. WindDancer Tocho Allagante
  4. Kristull Unbreakable

Best CompanionCompanion Dog
(ineligible for points)

  1. Allagante Honcho

Bitch Classes

Puppy Bitch 6-9 Months

  1. El Encanto Alegria

Puppy Bitch 9-12 Months

  1. Dragonsgate Miata by Cool Run
  2. Heartsong Iridessa
  3. Siendo's American Dream

12-18 Month Bitch - ApplePuppy Bitch 12-18 Months

  1. SpringLane Kristull Cupid
  2. Cool Run Belita of Siendo
  3. Windspirit Lonesome Glory Vkgs Vw
  4. Gryffyn's Aeyrie Serenity

Novice BitchNovice Bitch

  1. Kristull Wind Dancer
  2. Kristull Maya of Siendo
  3. Cool Run Viking View joven
  4. SpringLane's Magical Dasher

Bred By Exhibitor BitchBred By Exhibitor Bitch

  1. Kristull Corona
  2. Gryffyn's Under the Milky Way
  3. Gryffyn's Aeyrie Gypsy Road
  4. SpringLane's Flying Vixen

American Bred BitchAmerican Bred Bitch

  1. Gryffyn's Aeyrie Strange Magic
  2. Ispahan's Gone With the Wind
  3. Gryffyn's Wild is the Wind
  4. Renaissance Royal Firebird

Reserve Winners Bitch - HilleviOpen Bitch

  1. Seiran Ayame Windspirit
  2. Kristull Arcadia by Tangaloor
  3. Kristull Twyla
  4. Kristull Jetsetter

Best Opposite CompanionCompanion Bitch
(ineligible for points)

  1. Kohana Windbreaker at Blair