First ISWS Champion
Best In Show Silkenfest 2004
Kristull Dante by Cool Run
sire: Kristull Chili
dam: Kristull The Surprise
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
CGC Certified
Owned by: Gloria Hyland-Fisher
Bred By: Francie Stull- Kristull Ranch |
Best In Show Silkenfest 2008
Windspirit Apache Allagante
sire: Den~San Belgium
dam: Kristull Nikayla Windspirit
ISWS Grand Champion (the first!)
Rarities Grand Champion
Bred by: Lucille Meale, Windspirit
Owned By: Karen and Paul Sanders, Allagante |
Best In Show Silkenfest 2006
Best In Show Silkenfest 2007
Gryffyns Just Push Play
sire: Kristull Ivanhoe
dam: Kristull Jumpin' Jehosephat
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
Owned and
Bred By: R. Lynn Shell and Victor Whitlock - Gryffyn's Aeyrie |
Best In Show Silkenfest 2005
Cool Run Enchanted Myles
sire: Kristull Dante by Cool Run
dam: Kristull Snowbunny by Cool Run
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
Owned by: Bridget and Anthony D'Amico.
Bred By: Gloria Hyland-Fisher - Cool Run Hounds |
Gryffyns Dancin' Queen
sire: Kristull Ivanhoe
dam: Kristull Jumpin' Jehosephat
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
Owned and
Bred By: R. Lynn Shell and Victor Whitlock - Gryffyn's Aeyrie |
Kristull Yataghan Tangaloor
sire: Kristull Beloved
dam: Kristull Cricket
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
Owner: Alison Brendel
Bred By: Alison Brendel - Tangaloor Silkens |
Lagniappe Allons Danser
sire: Kristull Dante by Cool Run
dam: Kristull Lagniappe Rapunzel
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
Owner: Greg and Dee Jones
Bred By: Greg and Dee Jones - Lagniappe Hounds |
Cool Run Enchanted Barak
sire: Kristull Dante by Cool Run
dam: Kristull Snowbunny
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
Owned by: David and Jerilynn Safran
Bred By: Gloria Hyland-Fisher - Cool Run Hounds |
Tangaloor Captain Sinclair
sire: Kristull Quantico Tangaloor
dam: Kristull Suzie Q Tangaloor
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
Owner: Emily and Darin Olson
Bred By: Alison Brendel - Tangaloor Silkens |
Kristull Quite Black
sire: Kristull Gringo
dam: Kristull Silver
ISWS Champion
Raritites Champion
Owned by: Joyce Chin
Bred By: Francie Stull- Kristull Ranch.
Tangaloor Unusual Suspect
sire: Kristull Quantico Tangaloor
dam: Kristull Z-Mystery
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
Owner: Alison Brendel
Bred By: Alison Brendel - Tangaloor Silkens |
Kristull Firestar of Elessar
sire: Kristull Ivanhoe
dam: Kristull Z-Mystery
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
Owned by: Michael and Lori Silvestri
Bred By: Francie Stull - Kristull Ranch |
Kristull Jaromir
sire: Kristull Theatrical Harlequin
dam: Kristull Nirvana
First ISWS/ISWRA Dual Champion
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
ISWRA Champion
Silken Racing Champion
Owned by: Mike and Kathy Leach
Bred By: Chuck and Francie Stull -Kristull Ranch |
Talisman's Anasazi Sunrise
sire: Allagante Lunar Talisman
dam: Kristull Talisman of Sheba
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
IABCA Champions
Silken Racing Champion
Coursing Instinct Certified
Owned by: Joyce Chin
Bred By: Joyce Chin -Talisman Hounds |
Kristull Jumpin' Jehosephat
sire: Kristull Gringo
dam: Kristull Kali
ISWS Champion
Rarities Grand Champion
Owned by: R. Lynn Shell and Victor Whitlock
Bred By: Francie Stull- Kristull Ranch. |
Rubia's Fiery Perigree
sire: Kristull Chosen Man
dam: Allagante Arwen of Rubia
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
Owned by: Karen Fink
Bred By: Karen Fink, Rubia |
Rubia Sol Invictus
sire: Kristull Chosen Man
dam: Allagante Arwen of Rubia
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
Owned by: Karen Fink
Bred By: Karen Fink, Rubia |
Gryffyn's Strange Brew
sire: Kristull Ivanhoe
dam: Kristull Jumpin' Jehosephat
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
IABCA Champion
Silken Racing Champion
Owners: Rick and Ann Steele
Bred By: R. Lynn Shell and Victor Whitlock - Gryffyn's Aeyrie |
Talisman of Tarazed Scirocco
sire: Allagante Lunar Talisman
dam: Kristull Quite Black
Silken Racing Champion
IABCA Champion
ISWS Champion
NAKC Champion
Owned by: Ann and Rick Steele
Bred By: Joyce Chin - Talisman Hounds |
Talisman Maia Mudita Kumbaya
sire: Allagante Lunar Talisman
dam: Kristull Quite Black
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
Owned by: Kent Jones and Jay Cusker
Bred By: Joyce Chin - Talisman Hounds |
Springlane's Magical Prancer
sire: Kristull Yashi
dam: Kristull Yahuda
ISWS Champion
Coursing Instinct Certified
Coursing Qualified
Canine Good Citizen
Owned by: Teri Timm-Miller
Bred By: Teri Timm-Miller - The Hounds of SpringLane |
Springlane's Flying Vixen
sire: Kristull Yashi
dam: Kristull Yahuda
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
Coursing Instinct Certified
Coursing Qualified
Canine Good Citizen
Owned by: Teri Timm-Miller
Bred By: Teri Timm-Miller - The Hounds of SpringLane |
Talisman of Beaux Arts
Sire: MSBIS ISWS Grand Ch. BIS MRBIS Rarities Ch. IABCA Ch. Gryffyns Just Push Play
Dam: Kristull Quite Black
Rarities Champion
ISWS Champion
Owner: Cyndi Dell and Bill Hemby
Breeder: Joyce Chin |
Talisman's Star of Taranis
Sire: Tangaloor Captain Sinclair
Dam: Kristull Talisman of Sheba
ISWS Champion
NAKC Champion
Owner: Alison A. Brendel, DVM and Joyce Chin
Breeder: Joyce Chin |
Tangaloor Maralinga
Sire: Tangaloor Raincoast Salish
Dam: Kristull Yasera
ISWS Champion
NAKC Champion
Owner/Breeder: Alison A. Brendel, DVM |
Gryffyn's Fire Woman
Sire: BIS MRBIS Rarities Ch. Kristull Ivanhoe
Dam: ISWS Ch. Rarities Grand Ch. Kristull Jumpin' Jehosephat
ISWS Champion
NAKC Champion
Owner: Alison A. Brendel, DVM
Breeder: R. Lynn Shell and Victor Whitlock |
Tangaloor Fudge Behavin' Badly
Sire: Kristull Quantico Tangaloor
Dam: Tangaloor Evangelista
ISWS Champion
NAKC Champion
Owner: Suzanne Liggett
Breeder: Alison A. Brendel, DVM |
Scirocco's Blue Djinn
sire: ISWS Rarities Ch. Gryffyn's Strange Brew, SRC
dam: Talisman of Tarazed Scirocco, SRC
ISWS Champion
NAKC Champion
Silken Racing Champion Excellent
Silken Junior Oval Racer
Breeders/Owners: Rick and Ann Steele, Scirocco |
Kristull Quetzel
sire: Kristull Gringo
dam: Kristull Silver
ISWS Champion
Owner: Sussi Stjernborg, Starcastle
Breeder: Francie Stull, Kristull |
Sarafias Asrai
sire: Kristull Northern Lights
dam: Kristull Alyssa
ISWS Champion
Owner: Minna Saarikko, Tsaarikon
Breeder: Salla Klemetti, Sarafias |
Kristull Rhianna
sire: Kristull Incognito
dam: Kristull Z-Mystery
ISWS Champion
Owner: Salla Klemetti, Sarafias
Breeder: Francie Stull, Kristull |
Talisman of Merovingian
Sire: Gryffyns Just Push Play
Dam: Kristull Quite Black
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
IABCA Champion
Silken Racing Champion
Owner/Breeder: Joyce Chin |
Talisman of Art Nouveau
Sire: Gryffyns Just Push Play
Dam: Kristull Quite Black
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
IABCA Champion
Owner/Breeder: Joyce Chin |
Talisman's Light of Helios
sire: Tangaloor Captain Sinclair
dam: Kristull Talisman of Sheba
ISWS Champion
Rarities Champion
IABCA Champion
Silken Racing Champion Excellent
Silken Junior Oval Racer
Owned and bred by: Joyce Chin |