International Silken Windhound Society


Conformation Results

Sweepstakes Results

Racing Results

Coursing Results

2014 Committee Members

  • National Co-Chairs: Cyndi Dell, Iola Stetson, Jane Taylor
  • National Performance Chair: Mike Leach
  • LGRA Chair: Terri Campbell
  • NOTRA Chair: Karen Sanders
  • ASFA Chair: Lori Silvestri
  • Lure Operator: Aaron Swepston
  • Local Performance Liaison: Karen Sanders
  • National Obedience and Rally Chair: Jolene Hicks
  • National Obedience and Rally Co-Chair: Kathy Moore
  • National Fundraising and Auction: Barb Franklin
  • Show Secretary: Iola Stetson (
  • National Ribbons, Judges' Gifts Chair: Jerilynn Safran
  • Local Trophies and Judges' Gifts: J. Vookles and Donna Winton
  • National Health Testing: Michelle Smith and Leigh Davis
  • Local Health Testing Liaison: Alison Brendel, DVM
  • Hotel Coordinator: Iola Stetson
  • Seminars and Vendors: Hillary Tregillus
  • Banquet: Penny Senov
  • Lunches: Lavinia Tan
  • Hospitality: Jane Taylor and Carol Fisher
  • Publicity: Penny Senov
  • Wearables: Jolene Hicks
  • National Website Chair: R. Lynn Shell
  • Website Liaison: Penny Senov

Contact the Silkenfest committee:


SilkenFest 2014

SilkenFest 2014 was held June 14-16 in Olympia, WA.

Breed Judge: Barbara O'Neill

Sweepstakes Judge: Hilary Tringham

Obedience/Rally: Jill Perry

SilkenFest 2014 Race Meet Results

Olympia, WA

1. Logan (DragonsGate OutlawKidCurry Siendo SGRC) Brown - 6 (LGRA & ISWS) Nat'l Pts - Veteran
2. Teddy (ISWS Ch Talisman Ursa Major SGRC 6) Campbell/Chin - 4 (LGRA & ISWS) Nat'l Pts - Veteran
3. Pagani (Allagante WSpirit Pagani) Sanders - 6 Ch Pts & 2 Nat'l Pts - FTE
4. Storm (ISWS Ch Elessar's Marvel Storm SGRC) Silvestri - Veteran
5. Apache (Firebird's Lone Scout) Buhrdorf - 4 Ch Pts
6. Ginjo (Scirocco Aigrette Hangtown Red) Shirakawa/Steele - 2 Ch Pts
7. Cayman (Allagante Rvnwood Grand Cayman GRC) Koski
8. Summer (Aigrette's Wild Thyme SGRC) Campbell - Veteran
9. Cimarron (Siendo's Cimarron River GRC) Brown - Veteran
10. Gilbert (Aeracura's Fantasy Gilbert) Smith
11. Maggie (Elessar's Sugar Magnolia) Stetson
12. Temora (Allagante Temora) Sanders -Veteran
13. D'Artagnan (Allagante Bootlegger) Morris/Tregillus
14. Corsair (Firebird's F-86 Sabre Jet) Wolpin
15. Dove ( Siendo's Yucatan) Judd/Koski - Veteran
16. Lego (ISWS Ch Allagante Mai Tai Davan) Stetson - Veteran
17. Cobweb (Aigrette's Cobweb) Claggett - Veteran
18. Lexi (Allagante Princess of Monaco) Moore
19. Niro (Tangaloor Midnight Run) Mohler - FTE
20. Dune (Renaissance Dune's Duncan) Hill - Veteran
21. Chica (Evening Wind's Freedom's Fire) Steele - FTE
22. Kira (Allagante Age of Jazz) Morris/Tregillus
23. Patty (ISWS Ch Winsome Peppermint Patty) Stetson - FTE
24. Gemma (ISWS Ch Aigrette's Far Above Rubies GRC) Campbell

Race by Race

Program 1
Race 1: Pagani, Dune, Patty, Chica
Race 2: D'Artagnan, Dove, Kira, Gemma
Race 3: Maggie, Cobweb, Temora, Gilbert
Race 4: Cayman, Corsair, Niro, Lexi
Race 5: Ginjo, Summer, Apache, Cimarron
Race 6: Logan, Teddy, Storm, Lego

Program 2
Race 1: Gilbert, Lexi, Gemma, Chica
Race 2: Cimarron, Temora, Kira, Patty
Race 3: Apache, Niro, Dove, Dune
Race 4: Summer, Lego, Corsair, Cobweb
Race 5: Pagani, Storm, D'Artagnan, Maggie
Race 6: Logan, Teddy, Ginjo, Cayman

Program 3
Race 1: Chica, Lexi, Patty, Gemma
Race 2: Gilbert, Cobweb, Dune, Kira
Race 3: Cimarron, Temora, Dove, Niro
Race 4: Apache, Maggie, Corsair, Lego
Race 5: Storm, Cayman, Summer, D'Artagnan
Race 6: Logan, Teddy, Pagani, Ginjo