SilkenFest 2012 Lure Coursing Results
Gettysburg, PA
Judges: Ian Davies and James Dumais
Best of Breed
Open Stake - Flight A (11 entered, 3 NQ, 1 Dis, 1 Exc)
1st - "Bella" Windspirit Belle Geste Aquilo (Tucker) - combined score 298
2nd - "Bados" Allagante Windspirit Barbados, ISWS LCM (Vookles) - 296
3rd - "Tootsie" Allagante Hot Tamale (Taylor) - 295
4th - "Sahara" Allagante Sahara Starfyre, ISWS FCh (Hicks) - 293 runoff 149
NBQ - "Nike" Allagante Mohegan Sun (Sanders) - 293 runoff 147
"Logan" Dragonsgate OutlawKidCurry Siendo, ISWS FCh (Brown) - 293 runoff forfeit
"Cayman" Allagante Rvnwood Grand Cayman, ISWS FCh (Koski) - 290
"Desi" Windspirit Deziree (Mydlo) - 289
"Secret" Cool Run Secret Valentine (Safran/Fisher) - 75
"Enzo" Gryffyn's Aeyrie HipToBeSquare, ISWS FCh (Frey) - Excused
"Oberon" Kumbaya Burning Desire (Vondermuhll) - Dismissed
Open Stake - Flight B (11 entered)
1st - "Cimarron" Siendo's Cimarron River, ISWS FCh (Hunter/Brown) - 298 runoff 148
2nd - "Garis" Allagante Sangaris, ISWS FCh (Koski) - 298 runoff 146
3rd - "Hunter" Gryffyn's All The Right Moves (Frey) - 298 runoff 144
4th - "Legend" Dragonsgate OutlawButchCassidy (D'Amico) - 296
NBQ - "Sergei" Velichestvo Sergei, ISWS FCh (Caskey) - 294
"Lego" Allagante Mai Tai Davan, ISWS FCh (Stetson/Sanders) - 291
"Sweet Pea" SpringLane's Sweet Pea (Timm-Miller) - 291
"Orchid" SpringLane's Black Orchid (Timm-Miller) - 289
"Aspen" SpringLane's Aspen, ISWS FCh (Timm-Miller) - 288
"Kemosabe" Kumbaya That's Amore (Murphy) - 283
"Dullie" Windspirit Dulcimer (Sears) - 260
Open Stake - Flight C (10 entered, 1 Dis, 1 NQ)
1st - "Athena" Windspirit Athena (Meyer) - 299
2nd - "Ana-B" Siendo's Darling River, ISWS FCh (Hunter/Brown) - 297
3rd - "Vixen" SpringLane's Flying Vixen, ISWS FCh (Timm-Miller) - 294
4th - "Prancer" SpringLane's Magical Prancer, ISWS FCh (Timm-Miller) - 293 runoff 147
NBQ - "Katarina" Velichestvo Katarina, ISWS FCh (Murphy) - 293 runoff exc.
"Sky" Allagante Light Up the Sky (Sanders) - 291
"Sunny D" WindNSatin Cruisin Thru Life (Kohler) 291
"Ajax" Gryffyn's Walkin' to Memphis, ISWS FCh (Wall/Childs) - 235
"Alex" Velichestvo Aleksandrovich, ISWS FCh (Leach) - 116
"Patrick" Talisman Emperor Angel (D'Amico) - Dismissed
Open Stake winner (from runoff of all flights): "Athena"
Field Champion Stake (2 entered)
1st - "Gilbert" Aeracura's Fantasy Gilbert, FCh, ISWS FCh (Franklin/Smith) - 297
2nd - "Kamiah" Allagante Rvnwood's It'se Ye Ye, FCh, ISWS LCM (Koski) - 296
Veteran Stake (6 entered)
1st - "Czar" Kristull Jaromir, ISWS FCh, EC (Leach) - 294
2nd - "Hillevi" Seiran Ayame Windspirit, ISWS FCh (Sanders/Meale) - 293
3rd - "Dash" SpringLane's SilverStreak O'RR, ISWS FCh (Timm-Miller) - 293 runoff 146
4th - "Dan" SpringLane Kristull Dancer, ISWS FCh, EC (Rowlette/Childs) - 292 runoff 149
NBQ - "Rio" Allagante Mystic Topaz, ISWS FCh (Jorgenson) - 292 runoff 146
"Sasha" Kristull Arcadia by Tangaloor, ISWS FCh, EC (Leach) - 290
Singles Stake (13 entered, 8 NQ)
1st - "Pascal" Windspirit Pirate King (Meyer) - 145
2nd - "Bacardi" Renaissance Aquilo Ever After (Tucker) - 143
3rd - "Brynna" Kristull Evangeline (Zapel) - 142
4th - "Lily" Aquilo Water Lily (Tucker) - 139
NBQ - "Gita" Firebirds Star of Sagitta (Vookles) - 137
"Dion" Windspirit Dionysus (Mydlo) - 95
"Blaze" WindNSatin Aint Misbehavin' (Childs) - 82
"Dot Dot" Belozor Dots of Legend (Wall/Liggett) - 81
"Aurora" Aquilo Aurora Borealis (Tucker) - 69
"Dessa" Heartsong Iridessa (Lichtman) - 67
"Simon" Siendo's Copan (Lipton) - 26
"Silkie" Siendo's American Beauty (Lipton) - 10
"Gryffin" Kristull Beast of Fantasy (Witt) - 6
Kennel stake (7 entered): "Logan" and "Cimarron" (Brown)
ISWS Conformation stake (10 entered): "Kamiah" (Koski)